Saturday, January 01, 2005


On the move again

Happy New Year to all and may we all have a wonderful 2005.

This blog shouldn't be called "Home at the Hendels". The Hendels are thankfully in a pre-homeless phase prior to moving back to San Francisco after four, not very rewarding years in Nebraska. So the next Home will only be after - getting a job - moving - finding a home - moving our stuff - moving in - and finally selling this house.

So keep returning, getting updates and post a comment. Soon you should be able to say hello to us in San Francisco again, and eventually in a new home.

In the intro I obliquely mentioned a new hobby. Here is how it started: After returning from a trip to Europe (Switzerland and Italy) I was really missing my couple of espresso shots in the morning, but when I returned to the Sates and started drinking the coffee I found I had the jitters. A 6oz cup of American coffee has 100mg of caffeine, a double espresso has 50mg and we drink 12oz mugs!
I’ll cut a long but informative story short. I found and learned so much from the forums and reviews. After I was all ready to order an espresso machine and a burr grinder, the price of the machine went up so I ordered the grinder and a Zach and Dani’s roaster, having read about how wonderful freshly roasted coffee could taste.
Well the burr grinder (Solid Maestro Plus) arrived and I had not yet received my beans from Sweat Marias (, so I ground up some beans from a local roaster and brewed in the Bodum French press. We were amazed. But when we roasted some of our own – especially the Sumatra Mandehling – we were in a new world. Coffee now had all the complexity of a great red wine – maybe more.
So now I have a new hobby, and I haven’t given up on the espresso. I also have a new girl friend but she will have to wait until San Francisco- Andreja-

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