Sunday, February 20, 2005
You CAN teach an old dog new tricks!
Which is why I havent posted in a few days. Bought a digicam and found there was a whole lot to learn about using it. Then I found out that there is a whole lot to learn about post processing! So this old dog has been learning some new tricks.
Talking of new tricks - Blogging is FUN. Carson is going to start his blog, Angela has already started. So we have a whole blogging community, we are now International! Welcome Angela.
So I am making a fresh start. My goal was to update my blog every other day but since nobody seemed to be coming by my good intentions fell by the wayside. Now that things are picking up, so will my posting
Status Report:
Where is everything at:
Project - I finally got a check so the project goes ahead and on Tuesday (Monday is a holiday in the US - Presidents' Day) I am going to install and deploy the program and then train the users.
SF - My people are working on it but I am not making a lot of noise yet. As soon as the project wraps up I shall start bothering them and maybe even taking a trip out there.
Food - So much to add on that front but Ill do it on a more timely basis. For now, yesterday's work, 8lbs of meat into 4lbs of Hot Italian and 4lbs of really hot Chaurice:
click for larger picture

Coffee - Two lbs of PNG Two lbs of Sulawesi and couldn't decide between these two beauties so I bought a lb of each
click for larger picture

Talking of new tricks - Blogging is FUN. Carson is going to start his blog, Angela has already started. So we have a whole blogging community, we are now International! Welcome Angela.
So I am making a fresh start. My goal was to update my blog every other day but since nobody seemed to be coming by my good intentions fell by the wayside. Now that things are picking up, so will my posting
Status Report:
Where is everything at:
Project - I finally got a check so the project goes ahead and on Tuesday (Monday is a holiday in the US - Presidents' Day) I am going to install and deploy the program and then train the users.
SF - My people are working on it but I am not making a lot of noise yet. As soon as the project wraps up I shall start bothering them and maybe even taking a trip out there.
Food - So much to add on that front but Ill do it on a more timely basis. For now, yesterday's work, 8lbs of meat into 4lbs of Hot Italian and 4lbs of really hot Chaurice:
click for larger picture

Coffee - Two lbs of PNG Two lbs of Sulawesi and couldn't decide between these two beauties so I bought a lb of each
click for larger picture