Tuesday, March 08, 2005


22 and counting

Saturday was our 22nd wedding anniversary and we had a lovely time. Even the weather was nice and for the first time since fall we were able to sit outside and have a glass of wine.

Although CoffeeEmergency lived up to their name and Jason did a lovely job, I thought he roasted the Kenya AA Muthiani to perfection, I was very glad to get my roaster back from Z&D and roasted a double batch of Yemen Mokha - Bany Matar. Nice to be roasting again, can't wait to try that Yemen.

Other than that have you seen your "New Features" in your gmail inbox? You can now use Picasa to send up to 10mb of photos. It will even resize and trim them down for emails.

Had a fun time checking the new Firefox extensions. One was a great idea and it's catching on, rightfully. It's called Stumbleupon. The idea is that you express your interests and you become a member of a community that shares good sites. You can either just click on "Stumble" and it will take you to a randomly selected site or you can surf and recommend sites to other people in the Stumble community. Even your blog! In fact I found this great article about Firefox in the HowStuffWorks site. Discovered some hilarious sites.

Which reminds me - have you upgraded your Firefox with the latest security fixes? Firefox is catching on like crazy, only one person I know is not using it. Angela, didn't you check out my Feb 7th post? It was written for you!

Talking of Angela, I have removed a link to her blog because she seems to have done the same thing that Karen did when she set up her blog. I offered to help her correct the mistake but she said she had a "Chilean-American" coming over to fix it. Haven't heard from her since. However did hear from Karen. She has her blog up and running again and it looks really nice. Check out the links section.

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